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Troubleshooting TST

I turned on the monitor but it's not working

Is it charged? You must charge the monitor using the USB cable that came with the unit, or it will not turn on.

One of the sensors is not reading on the monitor. Can you help?

The most common reason for this is that the sensor battery needs to be replaced. If other sensors are reading normally, put a fresh battery into the sensor that won't read on the monitor. The sensor takes a coin battery, available at many hardware an

Should I install the repeater? The instructions say it's optional.

What kind of battery does each sensor take?

The newer TST systems (in the last few years) take a CR 1632 coin battery. If you have an older system (the sensors will take a CR 2032. Both are easy to find.

I bought a system from you and you programmed it (or the customer did). Now I bought extra sensors from you. Can you help me program them?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide technical support for pairing additional sensors to an existing system. The good news is, TST's Support Line staff can help you do this over the phone. This team is staffed with RVers who are friendly and capable. Con