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Progressive EMS

I hooked up to campground power but the EMS isn't working. There is no power to the Airstream!

Don't panic! It takes 2 minutes and 16 seconds for the EMS to run its safety checks. Once the EMS deems the power source safe, it will turn on the power to your Airstream.

The display screen shows code E0. What does that mean?

It means that there are no power issues to be concerned about and everything is working normally.

The display screen is showing an alphanumeric code. What does it mean?

Please check the instructions that came with your unit for a list of codes and what they mean.

I need technical support for my EMS

AIR GEAR is required to refer all technical troubleshooting to the manufacturer directly. We are contractually obligated to do this for warranty purposes. Contact them here:. 800-307-6703. Customer support: Press 1. Technical support: Press 2. To sta